The Aquarius President’ Message April 5, 2016

Aquarius logoThe Aquarius President’ Message


Ladies and Gentlemen:

As promised, we have reached another milestone. After waiting for a long time, you can finally drive up to your Lobby and enjoy walking into a place which is enticing to you and your guests.

I know that we still have a lot of fine tuning pending, e.g. Furnishing of the Lobby, getting the fountain operational, the installation of the permanent lighting in the valet deck and the garage, the installation of the sound systems, and many other projects on the horizon.

As one of your directors, I will continue to strive for our community’s interests by maximizing the return on our investments. At times, the tasks feel insurmountable, but as most of you know, the construction simply has to be planned and executed in an orderly fashion.

I will continue to provide you with a progress report as we embark on other projects in the pipeline. I am inviting you to attend as many Board meetings as your schedule permits, and participate through forums whenever they are held in order to keep yourself abreast of latest developments. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Bhagwan (Buck) Gupta

Your Neighbor and Director

April 5, 2016


About Cecilio Augusto Berndsen

Information Technology, Management, Project Management and Public Administration are areas I am familiar with. I am also interested in photography, wine, sailing, politics, economics, and economic development.
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1 Response to The Aquarius President’ Message April 5, 2016

  1. Eugenia Volchek says:

    Dear Buck, Cecilio, and all Directors,

    Thank you very much for your tireless effort to keep the community informed. I believe the current event transparency and timely delivery is very important and very encouraging to every unit owner.
    I really appreciate your constant effort to do that. Good Luck in your important leadership work in improving our living standards.


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